The Lobby & Front Office

The Lobby & Front Office is where people congregate before and after school, and is the initial impression of someone visiting for the first time. Anyone in this space can easily learn more about your education center and school schedule through many technologies. People will feel invited and welcome with a taste of the opportunities you offer, in high definition and with great sound. Each technology can be used on its own, or in conjunction with others listed here. This is by no means a comprehensive list nor do we suggest using ALL of these technologies together. This guide is merely a starting point for a conversation.


Double Sided Mass Notification Display

Capture, engage, and inform, this display employs custom graphics and images for both informational and critical communications that can be visible from both sides.


Interactive Display Panel

The interactive display panel makes it easy for patrons to see calendars, upcoming gatherings and scheduled events. Perfect for the busy lobby, anyone can interact with the display and browse through specific applications.
