The Hallway

The Hallway is the most trafficked part of any education building as students travel from class to class. Ensure your students are able to keep track of all the latest announcements and forums by proudly displaying them with these technological tools. These devices can be used on their own, or in conjunction with others listed here. This is by no means a comprehensive list nor do we suggest using ALL of these technologies together. This guide is merely a starting point for a conversation.


Mass Notification Display

More than just a digital clock, these HD color mass notification displays clearly present important announcements, alerts and even a flasher bar for enhanced messaging. The large speaker and microphone offer paging and two-way intercom capabilities. This is a very important tech for each room in your building.



Hear the daily announcements, class dismissals and all other news directly from the front office. Ensure no word or message is ever missed with great sound amplification from ceiling or wall mounted speakers. Depending on the size and shape of the hallway, the number of speakers will vary to cover the entire space.


Double Sided Mass Notification Display

Capture, engage, and inform, this display employs custom graphics and images for both informational and critical communications that can be visible from both sides.


Interactive Display Panel

The interactive display panel makes it easy for patrons to see calendars, upcoming gatherings and scheduled events. Perfect for the busy hallway, anyone can interact with the display and browse through specific applications.
