Support the TDS State Broadband Grant Application!

TDS is currently pursuing multiple Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grants in Minnesota. The support of people like you—residents living and working in areas impacted by these grants—will play a key role in the success of our applications. We want to bring fast, reliable, fiber internet connections up to 1Gig service (which is 1,000Mbps) to homes and businesses that are currently underserved.*

Please share your comments by July 28. They will be delivered along with our grant application, so don’t wait!

Please select the grant project that may impact you, then please share why you hope it will be approved for funding.


Example for comments field:

As a resident of <community name>, I strongly support TDS’ Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grants application. This project, which would deliver fiber-to-the-home technology and up to 1Gig internet, would be incredibly impactful because: <share how/what activities that would be enhanced at home or business>.  I urge you to support TDS’ application.


Select grant project


Please express your support.

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