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10 Questions Facing Pathology


Scimedico launched the "10 Questions Facing Pathology" program in order to start a conversation, build consensus, and gather data that leads to additional feedback and suggestions from the pathology community regarding
laboratory safety, ventilation, testing, and ergonomics. 

Interested in receiving updates on the 10 Questions Facing Pathology? Fill out the form below. 

Join the LinkedIn group to discuss questions with others in the Pathology community and stay up to date on new questions. 

Make your voice heard. Fill out the first survey by scanning the QR code above or clicking HERE

The goal of 10 Questions Facing Pathology is to get feedback to help educate on the importance of laboratory safety, ventilation, testing, and ergonomics in the Pathology setting. Visit www.whypmmatters.com to learn more. 


As advocates for safety in pathology settings, we at Scimedico see ourselves as agents of change, and in the end, the entire purpose of “10 Questions Facing Pathology” is to improve the level of safety for end users working in the pathology field.

Scimedico, LLC © 2023
It's time to ask questions. 
Survey Topics
Question 1: Laboratory Ventilation: What is the present situation?
Question 2: Bariatric Patient Handling: Assessment in order to develop a best practice. 
Question 3: Ergonomics: What changes are needed in grossing, histology, cytology, & the morgue. 
Question 4: Autopsy: What needs to change and improve? 
Question 5: Monitoring and Testing: How can monitoring be used to improve safety and what improvements in testing are needed?

Suggest topics for additional questions through the notes on the survey or by emailing marketing@scimedico.com.