Amazon brings an exciting opportunity for individual entrepreneurs, small/medium businesses and large organisations to partner with Amazon, to on-board sellers. As a partner with Amazon, you will enable sellers to start selling on Amazon, train and mentor them for success & thereby generate income for yourself. If you are interested to Partner with us and know more, please fill the details mentioned below:
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Which city/town are you based out of? *
Please select the option that best suits you * I am an individual freelancer/I am looking for a part-time/full-time opportunityI am part of an Entity (Firm/Organization) and want my entity to partner with Amazon
Number of Employees in your firm (Put 1 if you are a freelancer) *
Legal name of the firm/organization (Put your name if you are a freelancer) *
Industry that best suits you * Digital Marketing Market Research IT Consulting BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Information Technology Services International Trade and Development E-commerce Service Provider Digital Media Advertising/Marketing Website Development Management Consulting Off-shoring Brand Consultant Information Services Other Kindly choose from the below options
If answer to the above question is "Other", please mention your Industry of operation
Is there any other relevant information that you would like to share about yourself? We are happy to know more about you. *
Annual Turnover * Less than 50 Lacs 50 -100 Lacs 100 - 500 Lacs More than 500 Lacs
Have you worked with any 3rd party entity associated with Amazon in last 3 months ? * Yes No
If yes, kindly share name