Your First Step Towards Combustible Dust Hazard Protection

Dust Hazard Analysis

Schedule a Consultation

Ready to get started protecting your facility from combustible dust hazards? Complete the form below to schedule time for Fike to come complete the NFPA-mandated DHA for you. Our DHA team works in conjunction with our design team to provide solutions that meet your specific needs and budget while meeting appropriate standards.

We look forward to helping you with your Dust Hazard Analysis.

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*By completing this form, you agree to receive Fike marketing and product related announcements. All apply.

What is a DHA?
“A DHA is a careful review of the fire and explosion hazards to determine the consequences of what could go wrong and to determine what safeguards could be implemented to prevent or mitigate those consequences.” NFPA 652 (2019)


Why should I care about NFPA 652 and DHAs? 

  • Protect workers from a combustible dust hazards
  • Avoid fines imposed by OSHA
  • Protect integrity and customer confidence of business
  • Satisfy local AHJ and insurance requirements
  • Safeguard processing equipment and business continuity
  • Identify life-saving preventative and mitigation strategies
  • Meet current NFPA combustible dust standards
“The owner/operator of a facility where materials are determined to be combustible or explosible…and are present in an enclosure shall be responsible to ensure a DHA is completed…” NFPA 652 (2019) 7.1.2 


How Do You Know If Your Dust Is Combustible?

Many businesses that handle dusts don’t even know if they are combustible. Fike offers comprehensive dust testing services to confirm the explosibility characteristics of a variety of dusts. These combustible dusts include:














Why Fike?

Once Fike completes your DHA, we can then work with you to develop and implement a comprehensive protection strategy that may include some or all of our capabilities:

  • Protection System Design
  • Wide Range of Explosion Protection Products
  • Installation and Commissioning
  • Meet current NFPA combustible dust standards
  • In-House, Full-Scale Testing Capabilities
  • Ongoing Service and Maintenance
  • Phased Implementation Strategy - Work within your budgeting constraints and schedule and mitigation strategies


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