
Learn Data Science with XLSTAT: Supervised Machine Learning and Prediction

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Learn Data Science with XLSTAT: Supervised Machine Learning and Prediction




This webinar will introduce you to the Supervised Machine Learning which is used to optimize predictive algorithms. Applications in Excel using the XLSTAT statistical software.

Table of contents

  • XLSTAT: who are we?
  • Statistics: families of tools
  • Reminder: Statistical Modeling
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • The process of Supervised Machine Learning
  • Cross Validation of a linear regression model
  • Regression Trees
  • Random Forests: introduction & regression example
  • Appendix: Random Forests - building a tree

Video recording

Writer profil

Jean-Paul Maalouf

Senior statistics consultant

Jean-Paul Maalouf is a senior statistics consultant who joined the Addinsoft team in 2014. He holds a PhD in biology and has extensive experience in teaching statistics, which he has been doing intensively since 2012. He has taught at the largest French research institutions (INRA, CNRS, INSERM, CIRAD, several universities), as well as at private companies around the world. His teaching methods are based on a conceptual approach and are more focused on concrete examples than on the explanation of complex mathematical formulas. The concepts are thus easily grasped by people who do not necessarily have a background in mathematics but wish to become quickly operational in the field of data analysis.

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