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How would you rate the overall ECAN Sprayliner training? 12345 1-5 (Poor - Excellent)
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Was the quality of the content consistent with what you were expecting of ECAN training? 12345 1-5 (Poor - Excellent)
How strongly do you view Tnemec/Epoxytec as your partnered manufacturer to help grow your opportunities with structural epoxy lining? 12345 1-5 (Poor - Excellent)
How likely are you to rent heated PC equipment to bid with Epoxytec? 12345 1-5 (Poor - Excellent)
How likely are you to purchase (or convert) heated PC equipment to grow your business with Epoxytec? 12345 1-5 (Poor - Excellent)
How likely are you to recommend ECAN training to other contractors? 12345 1-5 (Poor - Excellent)
Do you have any suggestions to improve Epoxytec’s ECAN training process?
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