If you're looking to grow your business online, we can help you make sure you're giving your buyers the best experience by making each touchpoint simple, seamless and relevant.

Boost online revenue


  • Make it simple for your buyers to self-serve anywhere, any time, on any device
  • Simplify online features specifically for B2B buyers such as fast reorders, account hierarchies, contract pricing, catalogues and more
  • Optimise daily B2B functions like stocking the shelves of your retail shops or enabling online reordering of replacement parts
  • Empower your sales team by giving them deeper insights to help them create winning strategies
  • Help your partners grow by creating branded sites and intuitive digital portals
  • Get to market faster.


Engage more customers


  • Connect your customer data with the world's number one CRM
  • Stay connected and respond to customer needs across every touchpoint, instantly
  • Get more personal with your sales by tailoring purchasing recommendations to each customer
  • Build customer loyalty with amazing buying experiences and keep them coming back for more.


Grow your business


  • Hit the market faster
  • Reduce costs and reallocate resources to other growth opportunities
  • Adapt to changing markets and customer needs faster
  • Get three updates every year to keep your technology running smoothly.


Why oe:gen?


There is no Salesforce partner like oe:gen in the UK. We're experts in Salesforce Community Cloud who excel at user ecperience (UX) - we're now bringing those UX skills to B2B Commerce. 

People tend to think that to build the UIs we do, we have to be using third-party code libraries to give ourselves a leg up, but in most instances, we aren't. We're a team of self-confessed geeks, focused on squeezing the most we possible can out of the Salesforce platform - from the older Visualforce Communities we used to create to the Lightning Communities we find ourselves working on now.

B2B Commerce combines our love for Salesforce Communities with a powerful, configurable selling tool. With the Summer ’20 release, Salesforce are introducing B2B Commerce Lightning. This is a complete overhaul of the platform that runs on Lightning components, rather thanVisualforce.

So boost your revenue with online purchasing that's both simple to use and beautiful. With our UX web design and Salesforce development know-how, we'll create something special for your users that offers them a seamless, self-service experience of online shopping with all the B2B functionality they need. 

Get started today!