HealthStream Celebrates Healthcare HR Week!

This week we thank healthcare human resources professionals across the continuum for their important role in patient care. Every patient deserves the best possible care, which can only come from the best developed workforce, making your role crucial in the success of the entire organization. 

As a way to say thank you, we’ve put together some resources as you continue on your journey of improving outcomes by improving people. Plus, we will be giving away a HundRed dollar Amazon gift card, just to say thank you. We hope you will celebrate with us this week!

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“Now, more than ever, the corporate strategy for large companies hinges on the people strategy.”

- Josie Sutcliffe, The Rise of the People Strategy Platform

Additional Resources



Upcoming Webinar
5 Ways to Drive Business Decisions with Workforce Data



Supporting Leader Development in Healthcare Settings



Using Goal-Setting & Performance to Improve Outcomes



Bryan Warren: Assessments, Guesswork, & Hiring