A High Stakes Game: Why Price Transparency Noncompliance Costs Millions

Get the Guide for Meeting Compliance, Increasing Revenue and Improving Satisfaction

While price transparency mandates have been in effect since January 1, 2021, initial audits reveal widespread noncompliance among hospitals. A new proposed ruling would significantly increase annual monetary penalties, beginning January 1, 2022, up to $2 million for a 550-bed hospital. Price transparency is here to stay, and hospitals that continue to play this high stakes game will pay BIG.

Get your copy of the eBook to learn how to avoid millions in financial penalties, improve patient satisfaction and increase revenue using integrated patient access and engagement.

Download this eBook to learn:
  • How to meet price transparency compliance and what stiffer financial penalties are at stake in 2022 under the newly proposed rule

  • How automating critical functions in patient access helps maintain the data integrity necessary to generate accurate price quotes, increasing your ability to collect payment prior to service

  • Why a consistent patient financial experience is critical to increasing patient satisfaction and trust, and why aligning price estimates and quotes requires one platform

  • How combining a machine-readable file, patient-facing estimation tools and payments exceeds compliance measures, enables consumerism and maximizes revenue


Download This eBook

AccuReg, the market leader in patient access, provides health systems and hospitals with a single platform that integrates patient access, intake and engagement to enable consumerism, consolidate vendors and increase net revenue. Our platform utilizes an advanced rules engine, artificial intelligence and intuitive digital tools that allow patients to complete error-free pre-registration and registration, use a digital front door and virtual waiting room at check-in, make payments from price estimates and communicate bi-directionally in real time. We ensure the data integrity required to eliminate denials, collections and write-offs to protect net revenue.
For more information, visit www.accuregsoftware.com.