Finance & economics | The Chinese economy

China’s Ponzi-like property market is eroding faith in the government

Its meltdown could scarcely come at a worse time for Xi Jinping


The 120km train ride between the cities of Luoyang and Zhengzhou is a showcase of economic malaise and broken dreams. From the window, endless half-built residential towers pass one after another for the duration of the hour-long journey. Many of the buildings are near completion; some are finished and have become homes. But many more are skeletons where construction ceased long ago. Developers have run out of cash and can no longer pay workers. Projects have stalled. Families will never get their homes.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline "Groaning"

Getting the job done: How Ukraine can win

From the September 17th 2022 edition

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