Solving Supply Chain Issues with Additive
Pam Waterman, Senior Application Engineer, PADT
Jul 26 2023 | 17 mins
Due to a shift in corporate understand of 3D printing’s business value, more and more industries have embraced the technology. From a recently expanded understanding of the benefits of additive manufacturing (AM), industry 4.0 smart, connected manufacturing has emerged. AM is understood as a powerful technology capable of being used throughout the value chain and as a compliment to traditional manufacturing. Operations and logistics see significant improvement from AM adoption in subtle, yet powerful ways. Join PADT's Senior Application Engineer and additive expert Pam Waterman for a look at how the implementation of 3D printing into a manufacturing workflow can help streamline the supply chain from the ground up.
This application has proven benefits for the following:
- Supplier network
- Centralized manufacturing site
- Distribution network
- Customers
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