Volunteer to Help Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic

More than 600 area agencies on aging in the U.S. provide home and community-based services for older adults. These AAAs have a great network of volunteers; however, requests for volunteers have gone up significantly during the crisis and many of the typical volunteers are older themselves and staying home to stay safe.

Recognizing this need, the Alliance for Aging Research is connecting potential volunteers with local agencies across the country through the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist an older adult in your community with meal delivery, check-in calls, and/or grocery assistance, please fill out the form below. Requests are coming in from across the country and if there is a need in your area, we will reach out to confirm which of the above services you would be able to provide.

Your submissions and information will remain confidential. For more information, view our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please reach out to Kelsey Allcorn at kallcorn@agingresearch.org.

Thank you!