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Alpine Macro research is available on a complimentary evaluation basis for qualified investment professionals.

Global Strategy is authored by Chen Zhao who focuses on providing unique insights and the analysis of major global macroeconomic forces and their implications for various asset markets including global stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities.

Macro Monthly is managed by David Abramson and provides a monthly analysis of economic, monetary and political trends in the U.S. affecting its financial markets, a Special Report which delves into current, hot topics of interest to investors, and a Feature Report from a guest contributor who provides provocative and stimulating investment insights and ideas.



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Founded in 2017, ALPINE MACRO is an independent global investment research firm based in Montreal, Canada.  The company focuses on analysis of major macro economic forces around the world, specializes in forecasting trends and directions of global financial markets, and provides recommendations on asset allocation and investment strategy. 

The principals, Chen Zhao, Tony Boeckh, David Abramson and Yan Wang have many decades of experience in analyzing the global economy and financial markets. They are supported by an experienced team of Analysts with expertise in the U.S. economy, global financial markets, China and Emerging Markets.