Best Practice Guide: Engaging and Retaining a Diverse Workforce
Engaging and Retaining a Diverse Workforce.
It's a simple truth: it costs more to replace a new employee than to keep one. With that in mind, any successful diversity and inclusion initiative, both for efficiency as well as for impact, needs to focus as much on ensuring that your diverse workforce is engaged and thriving as it does on recruitment. Inclusion, and not simply diversity, is the real measure of success.
Without a foundation of inclusion, employees from underrepresented populations may be:
Unable to perform at their highest level;
Unsatisfied with their job;
More likely to leave your company.
Creating an inclusive workplace is key to engaging and retaining diverse talent and boosting the productivity of your team. In this guide, inclusion in the workplace will be discussed across four dimensions: organizational structures, culture, compensation and benefits packages, and work environment.
This guide will break down some of the core elements of an inclusive work environment and provide guidance on how to create a welcoming workplace by showing you how to:
Build inclusion into your organizational structure and culture;
Use professional development as means to retain staff and promote inclusion;
Offer compensation and benefits packages that suit the needs of your workforce;
Maintain accountability through monitoring and transparency.
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