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What is your hospital's expired and recalled products costing you?

Unused and expired products sit on hospital shelves costing billions of dollars each year.

As hospitals and providers come under increasing pressure to decrease the cost of care while improving patient quality and safety, they are turning to technology to provide assistance. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is being used to capture and continuously monitor critical product data including lot, serial number, and expiration. RFID enclosures located in electrophysiology labs (EP), cardiac cath labs, the OR, and other specialty departments help you monitor utilization of your short-shelf life, high expense, or highly regulated products such as drug-eluting stents, pacemakers, ICDs, medical implants, and biological implants. RFID’s accurate real-time information reduce your costs while providing safer more efficient health care.

1. Monitor expired or recalled products

With QSight RFID enclosures you receive alerts and notifications when a product nears expiration, enabling users to track utilization and/or removal. You will also receive real-time alerts regarding product recalls, reducing the chance that an expired or recalled product makes its way into patient care.

2. Missed or inaccurate charge capture

QSight RFID enclosures automatically capture data every time a product is added or removed including information such as who, where and when the product was accessed. With QSight RFID tracking, you can increase accurate charge capture while decreasing the potential for lost products.

3. Sustainable savings

QSight RFID will help you identify immediate cost saving opportunities to reduce inventory. Real-time, product-specific visibility provides an accurate count of in-stock inventory to eliminate waste currently sitting on your shelves. Using real-time data to continuously align supply, demand, and reorders, QSight RFID takes you beyond a one-time inventory reduction. Take advantage of a sustainable solution to reduce costs associated with over/under-stocking.

4. Increase productivity

QSight RFID enclosures are conveniently located in patient care areas and require little to no manual entry. Clinicians will spend less time managing supplies and in turn, spend more time caring for patients.

5. Drive regulatory compliance

QSight RFID enclosures come in a variety of sizes and temperature ranges from ambient storage to -80 ultra-low-temp freezers. In addition to providing users with visibility to full and real-time chain of custody, the enclosures automatically monitor temperature levels and alert you if they fall out of range. Transfers are performed automatically and documenting clinical usage/disposition is done with a few clicks.

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