Bruker employee name
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First Name
Last Name
Market Academic Government Industry Unknown
Industry Unknown Aerospace and Defense Agricultural Biotech Chemical Contract Research Organization Cosmetics Educational Institutions Energy Food and Fragrances Governmental Laboratories Manufacturing Materials Development Oil and Gas Paints and Adhesives Pharmaceutical Water treatment
What products or plugins is the customer interested in? NMRMSElViSNMRPredictVerifyqNMRRMSMAScreenDBIUPACBindingStructure ElucidationBioHOSGearsNMR LiteMspin
Who is the decision maker?
How many end users are there?
How many samples do they run per month?
What analytical techniques do they use? NMRLCMSGCMSUV/VISIRRAMAN
NMR Hardware Vendors BrukerJEOLVarianMagritekNanalysisOIThermoPS
LC/GC/MS hardware vendors BrukerThermoAgilentWatersShimadzu
What software do they use to process their NMR? TSACDLabsOther
What software(s) do they use to process LC/GC/MS
What are their main applications for NMR Research/DiscoveryDevelopmentFragment ScreeningStructure ConfirmationStructure CharacterizationQuantificationQuality ControlPublication
What ELN are they using? BioviaPerkinElmerDotmaticsIDBSOther
What system do they use for Sample Submission?
Are they working in a regulated environment? Yes Not