Gender inequality is a global problem. No one should experience bias because of gender, especially when it comes to health, education, economic development, and political participation. RTI International is dedicated to ending gender disparities and inequalities.

Join us for the second Ending Gender Inequalities Conference, 08-09 October 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference will focus on:

  • Enhancing knowledge of recent progress in research, practice, and programs to eliminate global gender inequality.
  • Fostering collaborative networks to share successes and challenges in implementation and sustainability of evidence-based gender programs.
  • Strategizing solutions to promote gender science that address global disparities and innovative technology when working with key populations.

Conference Deadlines:

30 March 2018:
Submission deadline for those desiring mentorship support with their abstracts
30 March 2018: Conference registration opens
30 April 2018: Submission deadline for all abstracts
30 April 2018: Travel Award application deadline



Visit the conference website for more information

See what attendees of the first Ending Gender Inequalities conference had to say:

It was a great networking opportunity, and I have already created a list of contacts that I can reach out to in the future if need be!

I loved that the conference focused on gender inequalities and how drug use, HIV status, and violence affected these inequities.

2018 gender conference

It was refreshing to hear presenters speak about structural violence and institutional factors that propagate into gender inequities.

The conference provided an open and welcoming environment for collaboration and meeting researchers with the same interests I have.