We support a safer Milwaukee Ave in Wicker Park

As CDOT, local alderman, and the Wicker Park Bucktown Special Service Area work to develop a series of low-cost, near term improvements to Milwaukee Avenue, we implore them to use the opportunity to think big.

Bold actions are needed to immediately improve the safety of Milwaukee Avenue and begin the street’s long overdue transition to a walking, biking, and transit oriented corridor.

This public process is a unique opportunity to advance a shared vision for truly transforming one of Chicago’s most iconic streets and one of the busiest streets for biking in the whole country. We are heartened by many of the exciting ideas already floated by local leaders and city officials, including reducing vehicle speeds and closing off unnecessary slip lanes.

We urge city officials to support a vision for Milwaukee Avenue that includes:

  • New bikeways that eliminate risk of doorings and other common crashes
  • Vehicle speeds of 20 mph or lower
  • Easy and accessible access to transit
  • More space for people walking and biking at intersections, including closed slip lanes, curb bump outs, and bike boxes

We hope planned and future improvements will promote these goals and we will continue to advocate in support of them.

Use the form below to sign our petition. If prompted, please enter your street address, which will enable us to deliver your name to your respective alderman.