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Impact of Revenue Recognition Standards on Public Companies

Part I: Examining Early and Standard Adopters

U.S.-based public companies are choosing the less on onerous (but riskier) of two possible methods for complying with new standards for recognizing revenue from customer contracts. Nearly 12 years in the making, the new rules cut across all industries and have been called the regulatory change with the most profound impact on corporate finance since the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation at the start of the century.

In this whitepaper, Intelligize Senior Director, Rob Peters, explores the impact of the new revenue recognition standards on public companies, and the SEC’s approach to enforcing them.

This whitepaper contains:

  • An overview of revenue recognition changes
  • Results from early and standard adopters of the new rules
  • An analysis of the SEC’s response to adopters of the standard

Serving Fortune 500 Companies

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