ATS 2025 Call for Input

HomeProgram ▶ Call for Input

The American Thoracic Society is planning the 2025 International Conference as an in-person program in San Francisco, CA May 16-21, 2025.

The ATS is seeking input for sessions in all areas of respiratory, critical care and sleep medicine with a clinical, basic science and/or translational focus. Input should be in the form of a session proposal in any of the following types:


The ATS is interested in expanding the International Conference education content on Health Disparities, Health Care Equity and Global Health. For proposals relating to clinical topics, the ATS asks proposers to consider speakers and presentations that address the following global health and equity issues:

  • gender, race, ethnicity, ability, and economical background
  • risk and manifestations, treatment options, access to treatment, systemic hurdles to care delivery and reporting in pulmonary medicine, critical care medicine and sleep medicine.


In addition to the general call for proposals outlined above, the ATS is seeking proposals for the Basic Science Core. ATS will consider scientific symposia proposals covering the following topic:

  • Developmental Origins of Lung Disease Across the Life Span

If your proposal deals with this topic, please be sure to mark it to be considered for the Basic Science Core track. Symposia covering this topic should be submitted to the appropriate Assembly for review as with all proposals. Each proposal will be reviewed by the Assembly, and if accepted, will be considered for the track by the International Conference Committee.



    The ATS does not permit the submission of proposals that include the presentation of information or data from an ATS Guideline that may not be approved by the time of the 2024 International Conference.

    • Session submitters, chairs and presenters including information contained in guidelines developed by other organizations are responsible for adhering to the organization’s rules of presentation, publication and confidentiality.
    This is not the Assembly Project submission site. Please click here for more information about the Assembly Projects.


The International Conference Committee includes representatives of the ATS Assemblies, each of which is responsible for the review and programming of sessions in particular areas. When submitting a proposal, you will need to identify the Assembly by which you would like your session reviewed. Please follow the links below for a list of ATS assemblies and important information related to submitting a proposal for the ATS 2025 International Conference:

  1. You will need to log into the site using your American Thoracic Society Login.
  2. Choose the Session Type you wish to submit from the Session List and click the + Add new button next to the Type.
  3. You may enter the proposal submission site to prepare your proposal as often as you want; the information that you supply in your proposal will be saved when you click the Save and Continue button on each page.
  4. Please review your proposal for accuracy prior to submission.  When all the required fields are complete and you are satisfied with your proposal, you may submit it by clicking the Finalize & Lock button. Once you have locked your proposal, it cannot be recalled for editing.  Only proposals in the Locked status will be reviewed and considered for the program.
  5. You will receive an email confirming your proposal shortly after submission.  If you do not receive the email, please contact the ATS office:
  6. Your proposal must be submitted on or before 5 p.m. ET, Wednesday, June 26, 2024 through the online submission process.  Proposals received after June 26 will not be considered.   Proposals received on a paper form or through email will not be considered.
  7. Your proposal will be reviewed by the Assembly indicated on the form and ranked with all other proposals.
  8. If your session is chosen for the program, you will be notified after the September meeting of the International Conference Committee and you will be expected to confirm your program and speakers at that time.


Proposers are required to review the ATS Privacy Policy and agree to allow the collection and use of personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Proposers are further required to confirm that permission has been received from proposed chairs and speakers to provide personal information.

ATS 2025 Call for Input

5 p.m. ET, Wednesday, June 26, 2024

All Proposals Must Be Submitted Online Through the ATS Call for Input Website