The Way of the Cross for Pandemic Time

The Way of the Cross for Pandemic Time is a written liturgy modeled on the Way of the Cross service in the Episcopal Book of Occasional Services, using prayers and topics particularly appropriate for petition and lament around the pressing issues of our time. It is a complete service, with music, spoken liturgy, and artwork for each station.

During these uncommonly difficult times, we have seen suffering, grief and loss, and injustice laid bare. This liturgy provides a highly-relevant way for worshiping communities to collectively express a range of emotions, and to witness against the injustices in our world.

The service is out-of-the-box ready for use in this coming Lent. Music is written to be able to be sung with or without accompaniment, and stations are designed to be printed or projected on a screen, to be compatible with virtual or outdoor in-person worship. The music and station artwork highlight a diverse group of talented artists, each contributing their own vision to the project.

Way of Cross for Pandemic Time
Way of the Cross for Pandemic Time - slides to download and edit
Way of Cross Station Artwork
Trisagion (score)
Trisagion (Vasile) - Melody only
Trisagion (Vasile) - Layered setting
You Will Hear My Pain - Sheet music
You Will Hear My Pain - Accompaniment with guide vocals
Mi Dolor Escucharás - Accompaniment with guide vocals in Spanish - Acompañamiento musical con voz en español

Editors’ Bios

Mary Barber, MD, served as a community psychiatrist and psychiatric administrator for twenty years before answering a call to ministry. She is a third year student at EDS at Union Theological Seminary, and a candidate for the priesthood in the Diocese of NY.

The Rev. Joseph Wallace-Williams is rector of the Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, Philadelphia. He is former associate rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Ladue, Missouri, and a former community member of the Order of Holy Cross, West Park, NY. Joseph is a sought-after spiritual director, and developing icon-writer.