Protecting Legacy Resident Homeowners
The Legacy Resident Retention Program (LRRP) empowers legacy homeowners within designated Westside and Southside Atlanta Beltline neighborhoods to remain in their homes. By covering increased property taxes through 2030, the LRRP safeguards your investment and supports generational wealth-building.
Why the LRRP Matters
Homeownership is a cornerstone of financial stability. The Atlanta Beltline Partnership believes housing stability leads to stronger individuals, families, and neighborhoods. The LRRP ensures that longtime residents who built their communities can benefit from rising property values despite the challenges that revitalization can bring.
Our Commitment to Housing Stability
Approved program homeowners only pay the exact property tax dollar amount owed in 2019 annually through 2030. LRRP pays the annual increase in property taxes compared to the participant's 2019 amount for every year's tax bill through 2030. For example, in 2019, you owed $100 in property tax, and your current year's property tax bill is now $300. You will be responsible for paying $100 each program year until 2030 or as long as funds are available and you continue to meet the program eligibility requirements.
Ready to learn more? Give us a call at (404) 418-4879 or email

If your annual household income is lower than the 2024 US HUD Metro Atlanta AMI Levels based on household size, you are income-eligible for the Legacy Resident Retention Program.
The program is for the city of Atlanta residents only who live within the program boundaries in the west and southwest neighborhoods in Beltline subareas 1, 2, 9, 10. Applicant must currently live in the home.
Applicants must have purchased and lived in the home before March 2017.
Parameters are based on 2024 US HUD Metro Atlanta AMI Levels. See chart in the section below.
All Ages Welcome
There are no age restrictions for eligibility. Applicants of all ages are welcome to apply if they meet the other criteria.
Income Requirements
The LRRP income eligibility determination for the program is by the annual US Department of Housing and Urban Development metro Atlanta area median income (AMI) levels table.
The area median income is the midpoint of the region’s income distribution, meaning that half of the households in a region earn more than the median, and half earn less than the median. A household’s income is its gross income, which is the total income received before taxes and other payroll reductions.
If your annual household income is lower than the 2024 US HUD Metro Atlanta AMI Levels based on household size, you are income-eligible for the Legacy Resident Retention Program.

Submit Your Pre-Registration
Begin the application process for the Legacy Resident Retention Program (LRRP) by completing a pre-registration form. This initial step helps us:
Verify your Atlanta residency within program boundaries
Confirm income eligibility
Validate homeownership status and length of residency
Upon pre-registration approval, you will receive the full LRRP application with instructions for providing supporting documentation.
See The Legacy Resident Retention Program In Action
Watch this video from an LRRP Participant, explaining why you should apply today:

Frequently Asked Questions
Who pays for the program?
Who can I contact for additional or detailed questions?
What does the program do?
Is LRRP only for senior citizens?
Does the homeowner receive tax payments from the LRRP?
Does this program apply to water and sewage liens, or other city services?
Do I have to live in my property to be eligible?
Do I have to pay back the funds?
Do you have to have homestead exemptions (City of Atlanta/Fulton County) to participate in the program?
Do you pay back taxes?
How long will the program last?
How much of the property taxes are homeowners obligated to pay?
How will homeowners receive the funds?
How will I know when the payment has been made to the Tax Assessors’ office on my behalf?
What if I own multiple properties?
What’s the cut-off date to get your taxes paid for that year?
If I am approved for the program, are my tax payment proceeds guaranteed through 2030?
Are heirs of a property eligible to participate in the LRRP?
Resident Resources
The Legacy Resident Retention Program helps keep legacy residents in their homes by helping homeowners with existing property tax bills through tax year 2030.
The guide provides a list of organizations and programs that can help, including contact information and details on how to qualify for and obtain assistance.
The Atlanta Beltline Partnership offers insightful empowerment workshops and webinars designed to support residents who call the Atlanta Beltline home. Whether you rent or own, discover valuable tools and resources to help you save money on taxes, stay in your home and secure your financial future.
Reach out to our team with any question you might have about the Legacy Resident Retention Program. Feel free to call (404) 418-7849 to learn more today.
Explore our resource library to find more helpful information and resident empowerment tools.